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Mao! Dazzling light from the two women lit up the intersection of swords and knives, screaming and screaming! There was a huge thunder storm, and two women crossed and passed, and they crashed and slammed! The two women who passed by in the wrong place flew out with different expressions.

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How is it possible that the ice autumn rain stared at the blood on the tip of your sword and the smiling eyes of the senior martial sister Xu Yinshuang? The ice autumn rain listened to the wind and stayed in the ear. The root of the senior martial sister didn’t attack her, but she just pushed herself away with her own hand, but her sword was strong and stabbed the senior martial sister. Isn’t the senior martial sister an ice sword? Looking at the green figure, the autumn rain is clear and the eyebrows are frowning.
"ah! The bitch actually counted me! " Just like the autumn rain in Bing Xu, I don’t understand a sudden roar of pain. From the ground, there is a crazy Samsung bucket statue momentum, and a cold knife light is the first step to break through the ground and go straight to Xu Yin cream.
"There is an ambush, so that’s it! However, it’s so powerful that it’s not as good as Luo Yan’s Dao Dao Qi. This bucket is as good as blood Yang. "I feel the crazy bully’s eyes are shocked and see clearly that the sword of Xu Yin cream just now is stabbed to the ground. Xing Qi has an epiphany. Xu Yin cream is trying to calculate the underground that wants to calculate their bucket."
Good experience, good calculation, bold decision-making, Xing Qi saw that just now, the root of the autumn rain didn’t know Xu Yin’s idea. If it weren’t for the last sword of the autumn rain, I saw that the situation was not right, and Xing Qi didn’t doubt that Xu Yin’s frost would be seriously injured even if it was calculated in front of people.
However, it’s very valuable to change a minor injury to such a strong person. Of course, it’s very valuable to look at the white Xu Yin cream’s figure. There is a deep chill in her eyes. She is so carefully calculated and so bold that she doesn’t care about herself. Such a person is absolutely horrible. Of course, Xing Qi didn’t think that Xu Yin cream dared to take such a risk, but there are two former ones. One is that she can’t die with the protection of battle clothes. The other is that she knows the temperament of ice and autumn rain and her mind at that time.
"Hum! Yinchuan waterfall "single-handedly erased the corners of the mouth bloodshot Xu Yinhuo’s eyes were so cold with murder. This fellow was so shameless that he wanted to sneak attack on his two school sisters and was injured by himself. This made Xu Yinhuang’s mood always cool and murder surged in his heart.
Ding! Soft sword in Xu Yinshuang’s hand suddenly oscillated like a huge clear light of Xiao’s strings and rose to the ground, radiating like endless ice streams, forming a huge Yinchuan ice waterfall, covering the ice sword for ten meters.
Boom Boom! Once again, the forest along the border between the two countries returned to a violent sound, and the innocent sword shadow was khaki, and the light of the knife was wrapped in a * * vibration from the ground.
"ah! Give me death! " A sharp binge drinking, a cold sword, actually crossed out again when the sword and shadow were about to dissipate, and the green light cut the Xu Yin cream and threw it out.
"Sister, then!" Zheng! See cold sword meaning Xu Yinshuang although frightened, grabbed one side ice sword and threw it to one side ice autumn rain before being thrown out by firm but gentle chop * *.
Bang bang! The star wonder was once again surprised that two people were drilled from the ground, two Samsung bucket statues, one with a long oblique Lingjian and one with a round curved broadsword, which turned out to be two people that he had never seen before. It was even hidden that such a master seemed to be sitting in the sky a little before, and Star wonder was not careful in his heart.
"Ice is shining!" As soon as I received the ice sword and the autumn rain, I went straight for a surprise attack! For example, Ying Ge’s finches sing five clear lights and burst into five ice swords with more than twenty feet from the body of the autumn rain, and they went to the ice sword with pieces of ice wind sewing towards two buckets of statues. Adding ice and cold quarrelling for the first time showed their powerful power, and they were frozen by the ice and melted by more than ten feet.
"yin and yang!" Seeing the power of the sword in the autumn rain, the old man was holding an oblique long Lingjian, and his eyes were hot. He looked at the hand in the autumn rain, and his face was dignified. The oblique long Lingjian was actually divided into two left and right hands, and he drew an inverted moon to spin and cut the sword, and Xu Yan went away with five ice swords.
Zizi didn’t expect an explosion like the ice autumn rain. The moon was full of yin and yang, and even a little bit of the ice autumn rain sword was worn away. Is a light ring ice autumn rain was forced back by Yin Chai nose old man.
"The teacher elder sister are you ok! Just now, I’m sorry that the teacher younger sister misunderstood the teacher younger sister and accidentally injured her. "I quickly retreated to Xu Yinshuang’s side. Ice rain was holding an ice sword, and Xu Yinshuang’s face was ashamed and innocent. Obviously, Xu Yinshuang didn’t estimate that he had hidden two masters just now and suffered a big loss. Xu Yinshuang shook his head but looked at the two old men.
The statue of fighting with a knife was ambushed by Xu Yin cream. The body was wrapped in ice chips and there were several swords. Although the blood stopped, the old man’s pale face also showed injuries. The scene turned into two pairs, and each side had a seriously wounded draw.
"Ha-ha, yeah, it’s coming to respect the elderly and never die. Come out, old friends. It’s outrageous that you still can’t meet each other for a long time. Don’t be stained. I didn’t smell your smell." Fighting with a knife is the locust. Seeing the ice and autumn rain, two women suddenly cried to one side of the forest
There are people who are doing the oriole Starry’s eyes slightly narrowed. Just now, these two old men did not feel it because they were affected by the fluctuation of firm but gentle fighting. Now, is there anyone hiding aside and trying to expand the gas-sensing Starry’s mind? He didn’t feel the slightest fluctuation of quarrelling, and now there is no interference from fighting. Even if the newcomers are much stronger than himself, he can’t feel the slightest self-confidence.
Ice autumn rain and Xu Yinshuang looked at the grasshopper with the same suspicion, and the two women didn’t feel that someone around them was suspicious that the grasshopper was close to each other and now it was confusing.
"Why is the old dwarf afraid to come out and see people die there? Hey, hey, don’t try to be a yellowbird. If you don’t come out, you will become a smelly dwarf turtle. Haha!" The grasshopper still laughed wildly and his eyes still looked at a clump of trees.
"Ha ha, grasshopper, you are not dead. How can I die? I didn’t expect that I just arrived and wanted to sit and watch a good show. It seems that I can’t do it. Hey hey, what’s the matter? Are you catching a cold or are you dying of old age? Why are you so pale?"
Peng! After the locust called, a figure came obliquely from the side of the jungle, and there appeared a dirty little old man again. The little old man grabbed a weed and encouraged two rats to scold the locust, but swept the ice and autumn rain and Xu Yin frost.
It’s another Samsung’s strange fight, and its eyes are slightly narrowed, and then it’s really open again. There’s a yellowbird looking at this old man, and Starry still doesn’t feel a trace of breath fluctuation. This dead-end sword-collecting breath has reached this level. The two names of grasshopper and Yate are familiar. Are the four emperors big and six emperors? Are these three men san huang besides the wooden old man?
【 Chapter 479 Yette is a bucket emperor? 】
Xingqi recalled that Xueyang said that a hundred years ago, although there was no emperor-level master in the hilly mainland, there were four powerful Samsung bucket masters. Four Samsung buckets respected the hilly land and defeated an overseas continental bucket emperor master, which made four people resound through the mainland, that is, Conantian, grasshopper, Yette and Wood Old Man.
"This short, dirty old man turned out to be Yette carrying a round curved broadsword and an locust. Then the other old man with an inclined long Lingjian is Conan Tian. Are the three emperors coming for the ice sword or the two women, Bing Qiuyu and Xu Yinshuang?" Knowing the identity of the three old men, Xing Qi was suddenly and violently cold in his heart. These old guys finally ran out. If they came for the ice sword, it would be greatly bad.
"No! In addition, the old man should not be Ke Nantian. "Xing Qi suddenly swept into the distance and turned into ice crystals. Ke Nanfeng’s heart lit up." Ke Nantian’s eldest brother could not see Ke Nanfeng’s death, but he was so indifferent. There are also locusts in the sunset mountains. Recently, the sunset mountains are looking for ice and autumn rain and two women, and Yate is indeed a master of seven kills. Although Yate was expelled from the door by a master, he has always considered himself a master of seven kills. Ice and autumn rain killed seven doors and two fights. "
From the identity of several people, it can be concluded that Xingqi’s proud face is a little cold and cold, but it is really waiting for the ice and autumn rain and two women to fight for the statue. Does he let out the ice sword and be seen through by these old men? He has all come here to wait for him. He feels a little cold and feels that he has done it unnoticed.
Who’s that old man with a crooked nose and a gloomy face? Isn’t it that his head is jumping up and coming from outside? Or the hidden master of sunset mountains? Apart from the Four Emperors, I really haven’t heard that there is such a powerful mainland in the hilly area. Samsung Dou Zun Xing Qi guessed it well. The old man with a crooked nose is a friend of the grasshopper overseas. Samsung Dou Zun’s soul beast withered the Yinshan Mountain. This time, the two women’s armor fighting against the ice and autumn rain was specially invited by the grasshopper.
"Hey, hey, I haven’t seen you for years. You’re still so dirty and personal with your clothes. I’m bleeding too much. It’s just that you’re a dead dwarf who died there for hundreds of years and went begging. How many times have I burned paper for you?" Looking at Yette’s face full of grass, I didn’t mean to satirize the locust silk, but I also gave it back to her cusp.
"Hum three old guys don’t act, that is, three can surround us? Don’t three still want to kill me here? "Xu Yin frost’s sword mouth on his chest finally stopped the blood and his eyes stared coldly at the three old men in front of him. The two dead old men slowly wanted to walk into a triangle by scolding Xu Yin cream.
Yeats took one look at Xu Yin cream. I really didn’t expect to be seen. I followed the grasshopper myself. But although I am an old friend, I used to scold at ordinary times. But just now, two people did reach a conclusion that three people surrounded and killed two women through eye contact. Yeats was laughing and spitting out the grass. "Still young and youthful, unlike our old man, the whole thing is not depressed! Not afraid of death. "
"Hum, three people complain and advise three people not to let their hearts be lost or they will regret it!" Cold murderous cold sen warning words suddenly shot out from the body of ice autumn rain. Three old men gave ice autumn rain and two women great pressure. In the eyes of two women, the strength of these three old men is not as good as that of a bucket emperor master.
"Ha ha, little girl, you are right about stains. Don’t your teachers teach you not to kill koo casually? It’s true that there is no hatred, but just now you seem to have killed a bucket statue in the sunset mountains and two months ago, Yan Zhang’s dense forest killed this short old ghost. It’s only natural that you should pay back your debts and pay back your life." A number of sword-mouth locusts also looked at the ice autumn rain with murderous look on their faces.
Hearing the words of the locust, Yette’s eyes glanced at it, and it has become a bloody scene. Jing Luan Dou Zun’s body sneered and glanced at the locust. At this time, Xing Qi stayed at the locust. It showed that when Xu Yin frost killed Jing Luan Zun just now, the locust watched and did not come to the rescue, which made Xing Qi surprise Jing Luan at this smiling locust, but the three-star bucket statue in the sunset mountains was so cruel to watch it die.
"Well, it’s good to say more, so teachers teach people to give them some lessons when they make direct moves. It’s also a wave to live. It’s a blessing for you two to have the three of us fighting over the statue today." Another old man with a crooked nose laughed at it and pointed out a long cold sword. When the old man with a crooked nose came out, Yette and the grasshopper became a triangle and wrapped up the two women.
"Hum, the three fur monkeys just covet our battle clothes and weapons. They also say that this state of being so splendid and stained is really a rear-end collision. Aren’t you afraid of being cheeky and purple?" Ming! Crisp sword sounded again, and the words of ice and autumn rain haven’t finished yet, and the ice sword was cut out again.
When the three old men negotiated against the two women, the ice autumn rain and Xu Yinshuang also negotiated that the ice sword had succeeded and the two men brought their own injuries. At the same time, they challenged not to recklessly open the mouths with the three old men and fled straight away. After the Dan medicine recovered its strength, it was counted that the ice autumn rain moved and Xu Yinshuang moved.
"The ice is shining!" Jo! The ice and autumn rain handed out the ice sword again, and the dazzling crystal light was dazzling. The cold crystal light was straightened into several. The ice crystal sword suddenly fell from the sky towards the old man with a hooked nose and brought up the sky. The cold crystal sword made a quiver when it was cut straight.
"Sunset Yinchuan!" A burst of green light from Xu Yin cream body swings in circles and opens a silvery white light. As Xu Yin cream soft sword stretches and bursts out, the dazzling ice crystal cold light rushes towards the grasshopper, while the silvery white soft sword turns into a road of light and silver dragons, and the giant mouth roars at the grasshopper.
Hum! See two women begin withered Yinshan and grasshopper two people also suddenly and violently rushed up two powerful momentum, the top Samsung bucket statue momentum with squeezing gas critical sound stung the two women who were coming, but let the two women’s rapid attack be weighed down by the sudden outbreak of momentum. Although it was a short time when it was hard to see with the naked eye, it made the two women transport the firm but gentle road interrupted, and it was difficult to drop a few wires.
"Hum, it’s just a little baby with no actual combat experience!" See their momentum impact effect withered Yinshan to the two women is disdain withered Yinshan seems ice autumn rain and Xu Yinshuang two women are just fighting with a good equipment from the border to two root didn’t come into contact with how many actual combat baby inclined long cold sword is divided into two.
"Spin the moon!" A BaoHou holding two inclined long LingJian spin up rapidly to form a big tuo spin who threw a road cold firm but gentle to ice autumn rain cut.
"Moon knife!" Zheng! The sudden explosion of the knife’s violent sound made the broadsword swing lightly with the whistling knife wind, and pulled out a slippery yellow knife awn toward Xu Yin’s cream. The grasshopper with different knife methods actually didn’t raise the broadsword, but stood on the ground with the broadsword and suddenly swung out and split.
Boom! Mao! Mao! Four levels of imposing manner smashed together, and the sword struck each other, but the shock wave rushed and exploded, and once again scared the surrounding hundred miles of souls, beasts, people and waves, and the ground was constantly shaking in the four directions, so I had to retreat for hundreds of meters before I dared to fight and suppress my body trembling and was discovered by several people.
Bang bang! Ice crystal sword knife mans, Tuo Xuan firm but gentle Sen Bai Jianchao all collapsed and broke. Four weapons hit two sparks in pairs, and four figures collided together. With two explosions, air billow separated Xu Yin cream and ice autumn rain again, and two women Xu retreated more than twenty feet before stopping, while the withered Yinshan locust retreated more than ten feet.
You can tell the strength from the retreating steps of both sides. Four people fell into the eyes of Xingqi, grasshopper and withered Yinshan, and most of them were wounded by swords. But they were in high spirits, and two women, Bing Qiuyu and Xu Yinshuang, were pale but more gloomy in the first wave of fighting.
Just now, both of them were unique skills, but they didn’t think of killing their opponents, but the defense attached to each other didn’t break, let alone trying to escape from them, which made the two women, Qiu Yu and Xu Yin Frost, deeply hit. It depends on the situation that the three people really want to kill themselves and come to the conclusion that the two women’s faces are all anxious.
Of course, the three old men and two women are not afraid, but the two women are worried that their injuries will get heavier and heavier as the fighting continues, and the fighting here will attract more powerful people to come over, which will be even more troublesome.
Hum, however, this way is impassable. Then attack the short old man together and cross the ice and autumn rain from his side. Xu Yinshuang glances and reach an agreement again. After the decision is made, the ice and autumn rain and Xu Yinshuang will pay attention to the action. Two strands of sudden dryness and cold breath spread out from the body and quarrelled with cold along the two women’s bodies and spun up again.
The cold light sword was lifted by the ice autumn rain and Ran Ran’s quarrelling surged, and a long crystal sword with nearly three feet of ice was formed on the surface. soft sword once again rolled up like a snake and danced out a piece of silver screen, dazzling red and green two battle suits, and also reappeared to deal with the three old men, such as ice autumn rain and Xu Yin frost, who were so prepared that they dared not reserve anything.
"Ice is shining!" Whoo! Ice autumn rain moved a flash eye and jumped into a string of phantoms. I saw a crystal white light flashing in the ice crystal sword, and the ice crystal sword pulled out a phantom and turned into five giant swords. I cut it off towards the short old man Yette.
"Ha ha! Actually want to break through this force from me is the wrong idea. "To cut out five ice swords, Yette squinted slightly and raised a big fist with a heavy breath. Suddenly, Yette raised his fist in the eyes of everyone, and Yette poured out a stock to make someone in the place look domineering.
The cold light of Zizi ice crystal sword overflowed with friction, and the sharp sound in the air swallowed Yete, and the five swords went away. Before the autumn rain, it was "a thousand ice feathers!" Feel Yate’s momentum change, and once again, a charming autumn rain drinks and breaks out six virtual shadows, with six pushing and pulling swords and five ice crystal swords, and then goes straight for Yate.
Coming to Xu Yin cream is mainly to guard against grasshoppers and withered Yinshan from behind with the autumn rain, but the two have now been stunned by Yette’s performance and gave up their hands, giving Xu Yin cream a chance, and Xu Yin cream also has scruples about attacking Yette straight away.
"Yinchuan falls waterfall!" A huge wave of silver light rose from the ground and turned into several waves, screaming like an endless ice stream, forming a huge silver ice waterfall dragon heading for Yettatun.
"violent boxing!" In the face of two waves of ice and autumn rain and Xu Yin frost, Yate still calmly drank a fist, and the whole arm shaft soared. A dark yellow quarrelling broke out from the body along the shoulders, arms, wrists and fists, and finally gathered in the fist and smashed it out.
Boom Boom! A more violent thunder resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the thunder field hit the eardrums of all people, and the whole forest area was as pale as pale.
Bang bang! Ice autumn rain and Xu Yinshuang’s two female tricks were smashed one by one, while the two women were thrown away by vomiting blood with a strong fist strength.
Critical Boxing This is a real critical boxing. As Yate said, Yate didn’t make the boxing skill a simple violent fist in the whole process. He even violently smashed Xiong Xingqi, Kuyin Mountain and grasshopper with two Samsung fighting swords. All three of them were stunned and looked at the scene. The little figure was full of fear.
Such a violent fist needs how strong it needs, how explosive it needs, and how fast it needs to break the fist style like a tiger roar. This is why the three-star body-building bucket statue can’t reach this level, right? Has this Yete reached the emperor level? Xingqi’s apex is jumping like a fire, or does this little old man have a violent beast in his body? Everyone has such absurd ideas in his heart.
Bang bang! Two women, Bing Qiuyu and Xu Yinshuang, fell to the ground with heavy blows. Two people spit out blood from their mouths. Both of them looked cold and pale and looked at Yette "to achieve the artistic conception and fight the emperor!" Two women are cold and frightened, and two women and one face are desperate. I didn’t expect that the low-order people should have such a superior self. Even this time, they will be reborn.
"Yete, have you reached the emperor level?" The grasshopper directly forgot that he had just called Yette smelly and short, and instead called his predecessors, he didn’t blush at all. Two women, namely, the grasshopper withered Yinshan Mountain, Xingqi and Bingqiuyu, looked straight at Yette with a light smile.
【 Chapter 4 Xu Yin Frost Battle Yete 】
The autumn wind blows hot and spicy, and it is just a dense and thick forest, not as thick as the sunset mountains or the Chier mountains. The front of the ancient virgin forest has been destroyed by the imperial masters and the master masters. Once it is now in ruins, the earth is like being plowed by a monster, and the branches and roots are full of thorns.
When the autumn wind swept the ground, it rolled up some dust and swished the autumn wind, which was extremely desolate. When the autumn rain and Xu Yinshuang poured ice, their mood was consistent. Just now, they were hit hard by this Yate, and the two women had a heavier skin injury. This time, they were not slightly injured and the two women were robbed of the ice sword. The excitement has become cold.
This is a crisis. The two old men broke through by themselves, but I didn’t expect this short old man to be even more horrible. The boxing strength made the two women chills. Although they didn’t break their uniforms, the violent momentum was still smashed into their own bodies through their uniforms, and they were shocked by the impact. If they were injured, they would be killed if they punched twice in succession.
There’s another one here who may be a master of artistic conception and emperor fighting. It’s really impossible for them to escape. They really want to die. The two women are pale, but their hearts are cold. However, at this time, they heard the locust asking questions and the two women raised a glimmer of hope.
Because the two women thought that there is another possibility, that is, even if it is not a master of fighting the emperor, it can still exert the terrible strength of the master of fighting the emperor. This kind of person is also a genius among geniuses. This kind of person is a master of artistic conception, but with a strange artistic conception ability, he can burst out with great power.
Quietly calmed down the body surging quarrelling and shaking the five zang-organs and six fu, but his eyes looked at him intensely. He was asked if Yette was absolutely fighting for two women’s life and death. Yette was not fighting for her own life and death, and she struggled to escape by speed. Maybe if Yette was fighting for her own speed, she would be really desperate.
The eyes of the locust are hot and dry, the eyes of the mountain are worried, and the eyes of the two women in Bingqiu are cold but eager to feel the smiling eyes of several people. Yette knows that several people want to get such a breakthrough in the method of fighting the emperor from themselves, but this old man with a hook is worried that he will suppress two people to monopolize the world, and two women will fight for the armor and fighting equipment, not to mention life and death.
I had my hair cut, my hair was unkempt, and I was very satisfied with the expressions of several people. I enjoyed it for a hundred years. I broke through the emperor’s level and looked for thousands of mountains to see the nature. Although I didn’t break the statue level, I suddenly realized this kind of critical boxing. I thought that when I first punched a hill, I actually broke a big hole with a hundred-meter hill. At that time, my dementia color followed the grasshopper almost at this time. At this time, the grasshopper was shocked and had a hot eye. Yete enjoyed it very much.
"Hey hey! I like the short old man with waterlogging. I just let you down. I haven’t reached the emperor’s level yet, but I am confident that the emperor’s master will break through the emperor’s level in the first world war. You’re going to be angry, grasshopper. "Yette’s hey hey Yinxiao still doesn’t want to tease grasshopper, an enemy friend for many years. Open your mouth and show two rows of white teeth, shining with the autumn wind.
"Didn’t reach the emperor level! How is it possible that "locust’s eager eyes can’t help but become disappointed and suspicious." Yettaw’s words don’t need to lie to yourself, but just now, the power of that punch is absolutely far beyond the strength of the statue. Is it the adult?
The grasshopper thought of a young man in white with a big root and a deep roots. If it was taught by that adult, it would be reasonable for Yette’s strength to surge. Yette was not surprised at all, but she was a little jealous to watch Yette, a dead short old man, take advantage of his legacy.
Yeats’s words made the dry Yinshan worry and alert look dispersed. It seems that the dry Yinshan did not reach the emperor level. Although the strength of this short bucket statue is strong, it is impossible to monopolize the treasures of two women. Of course, Yeats thinks that he is the happiest when he does not reach the emperor level. There is a flash of light in the eyes of Bing Qiuyu and two women. I hope that if it is not for the emperor master and two women, I still believe that I can escape with my speed advantage.
"Hey, hey, two girls don’t know who you are or what boundary you come to Qiuyan, but do you rob Dan medicine? But you shouldn’t kill Jie. My old man is not the one who has eaten enough. You are now handing over two six Dan and two battle suits as compensation for my old man. I don’t want to make it difficult for you. Otherwise, hey, the old man, I also made a difficult trip." Let everyone be frightened again. Yette, a short old man, is rubbing his hands while squinting and measuring the ice and autumn rain.


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